© 2025 Email hayley@constablecountrychildcare.co.uk
Group Manager - Hayley Aherne - BA(Hons) EYPS
Registered charity number : 1122021
Constable Country Childcare
Where every child is unique and special…
If you wish to discuss any aspects of Constable Country Childcare, then please contact Mrs Hayley Aherne, Group Manager on 07561 504913 or 01473 328695
Please use this page to find details of our policies, menus and other documents at the bottom of the page. Head Office contact number : 01206 326666
Alongside the nursery at BYE, SYE and EBYE is a wraparound care provision offering affordable childcare before and after school enabling parents to return to or continue working or the chance to study.
Breakfast Club opens at 7.10 a.m. at BYE, 7.30am at SYE and 7.30am at EBYE, for children aged 3-11 years.
Children can start the day playing, enjoying being part of a group and ready to learn as they progress into school. A healthy breakfast is included in the cost and staff are on hand to attend all the children’s unique needs.
S’Cool Club operates from the end of school day until 6.00 p.m. for children aged 3-11 years to attend after school finishes.
In the wraparound care provision children can play, create or relax in an informal home from home environment including outside play in the secure garden and also in the school playgrounds on the climbing equipment. Staff will also help with homework or children can sit and work on their own if they choose.
Once again children are offered a healthy snack including fruit and for those staying longer, a hot two course meal will be provided.
Holiday club is great fun for those children transferring into school and for children in general, a school holiday is a long time not to see your friends or to get use to always being at home with you main carer and we offer full day, morning and afternoon sessions.
Holiday club is not just for children in Brantham, so if you have friends or cousins etc, who you think would benefit let them know. Run by Highly Qualified Staff, for ages 3 months to 10 years old - Morning and Afternoon snack provided
CCC Preference Form - February 2025
Nursery Place Registration Contract
Wrap Around Care Resgistration Contract
Holiday Entitlement 47 Week Contract 2024 - 2025