Welcome to Constable Country Childcare! Our team is privileged to be sharing your child’s first stepping stone of education, an exciting time of new beginnings, making friends, and learning lots of new things each and every day. We celebrate the fact that each child is unique and support them to find their own place in our fabulous world and learn the essentials they need to become life-long learners.
Our days will be filled with lots of wonderful experiences and opportunities for learning and growing so children become creative and independent little people. On a day to day basis we strive to consolidate and build upon all the good work you have already done as your child’s first educator. We aim to develop your child’s Personal, Social and Emotional skills along with the other 7 areas of the EYFS to help them to feel confident and to achieve their full potential in all areas of learning. Our ambition is to celebrate your child’s uniqueness and ultimately for your child to enjoy sharing their feelings, experiences and thoughts with us.
A smooth transition from home to any of our provisions is of the utmost importance to us, we encourage parents to visit with their child prior to starting. During your child’s time at our Nursery we will continually assess and record his/her progress and achievements. We record all this information via our secure, on-line ‘Learning Journey’ system called Tapestry, which you will have direct access to.
You will be able to view your child’s progress and achievements and you are welcome at any time to contribute to this by sharing with us your child’s ‘Special Moments’ that happen outside of school. For example, photos, awards, medals, certificates, we love to hear about all these, so please tell us about them!
We can offer parents a term time or 47-week contract.
Hayley’s contact details: hayley@constablecountrychildcare.co.uk Tel: 07561 504913 (Main Office : 01206 326666 )
PA to Group Manager; Rebecca Finch, admin@constablecountrychildcare.co.uk.
Constable Country Childcare is a Registered Charity and a voluntary run group, mostly self-funding, providing ‘learning through play’ facilities for children aged between 3 months – 11 years. Our aim is to provide a safe, stimulating, friendly environment with a wide range of activities for children to play and learn many skills while socialising with other children in their community. We have a Christian ethos and pride ourselves on being an inclusive provider open to all (children and their families).
We operate over four settings: St Michael’s Pre-school - East Bergholt Young Explorers - Brookland Young Explorers – Woodland Explorers & Ocean Explorers
and Stutton Young Explorers. Stutton Young Explorers also offers a local forest school provision.
We were delighted to achieve ‘Outstanding’ in all areas at Brookland Young Explorers in January 2020. The Inspector was particularly impressed with the learning opportunities available to the children and the depth of learning taking place. The Inspector also noted the strong SEND provision, the friendly way the children learn alongside each other, how the Charity closely monitors the children’s and staff’s wellbeing, the vast amount of training and support the Charity provide to staff and ultimately how the setting is run with the utmost integrity.
East Bergholt had their most recent inspection in December 2021. We were delighted to receive ‘good’ across all areas of learning. In particular, the Inspector noted how ambitious the curriculum we provide is and how much importance is placed on staff and children’s welfare.
In our latest OFSTED inspection at St. Michael’s Pre-School we were delighted to achieve ‘Outstanding’ across all areas.
Stutton Young Explorers is the latest acquisition that we added to our portfolio of nurseries in January 2017. Stutton has achieved ‘Good’ across all areas and now offers a Forest School provision.
As members of the Suffolk Early Years list of providers, we are eligible to receive Grant funding for children the term after their third birthday and where relevant two-year-old funding.
We are also a member of the Pre School Learning Alliance, as well as receiving regular support and guidance from the Local Education Authority.
GROUP MANAGER - Hayley Aherne : B.A.(Hons) Early Learning/Early Years professional status. Accredited SENCO, Deputy Safeguarding Officer
© 2025 Email hayley@constablecountrychildcare.co.uk
Group Manager - Hayley Aherne - BA(Hons) EYPS
Registered charity number : 1122021
Constable Country Childcare
Where every child is unique and special…